понеделник, 15 юли 2013 г.

Gravimeter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gravimeter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A gravimeter is an instrument used in gravimetry for measuring the local gravitational field of the Earth. A gravimeter is a type of accelerometer, specialized for ...
gravimeter (measurement instrument) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
gravimeter, also called gravity meter, sensitive device for measuring variations in the Earth’s gravitational field, useful in prospecting for oil and minerals.
Gravimeter | Define Gravimeter at Dictionary.com
noun 1. an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of a solid or liquid. 2. Also called gravity meter . an instrument for measuring variations in the ...
GRAVIMETER - Continental Elektroindustrie Aktiengesellschaft
5/8/1973 · A compensating arrangement acts on the mass and is connected to the input of the integral transfer unit of a gravimeter system. The measuring indicator is ...
Gravimeter | Facebook
Gravimeter. 57 likes · 1 talking about this. ... This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with or ...
Gravimeter - Bodenseewerk Geratetchnik GmbH
2/5/1985 · In a gravimeter the measuring mass is supported by springs which are arranged in regular array around the measuring mass and exert pressing forces on the ...
gravimeter - definition of gravimeter by the Free Online ...
gra·vim·e·ter (gr-v m-t r, gr v-m-) n. 1. An instrument used to measure specific gravity. 2. An instrument used to measure variations in a gravitational field.
Gravimeter - YouTube
By aeromarsxxi · 0 min · 179 views · Added 3/13/2012
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gravimeter - Definition of gravimeter - Dictionary definitions you ...
www.yourdictionary.com › Dictionary Definitions
a device used to determine specific gravity, esp. of liquids; an instrument used to measure the earth's gravitational pull at different places on the earth
Gravimeter definition of Gravimeter in the Free Online Encyclopedia.
gravimeter 1. an instrument for measuring the earth's gravitational field at points on its surface 2. an instrument for measuring relative density gravimeter [ gr? ...
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